Monday, October 3, 2011

Our family Vacation!!! (in three parts)

Ready to go. The car is full of gas. The kids have snacks, pillows, and things to do. We are headed out of town and to Vegas!!!! It is going to be great fun because any time with this group is a fun adventure!!!
Hello, I am Wendy, your tour guide for today. heehee I will be letting you know about all the fun things we did over our exciting weekend. In celebration of our 10th Wedding Anniversary!!!
After spending the night in Vegas at a Motel 6 we headed to breakfast. Finding a place is an adventure in itself. We found this adorable pancake place.

At breakfast after a long night in Motel 6. It wasn't the most pleasant night stay to say the least but since we had got in late we just needed a room. So glad to get on with our fun filled day!!!
Going anywhere with these kids is so much fun!!! But out to eat... it cannot be measured! Hahahaha Rebekah being silly with Jeremy.
Joseph trying to fit the straw over his tooth....
I forgot my hair straightener so you will see fuzz this weekend. But I don't care!!! hahaha It was great fun anyway!!!!
Yes, the restaurant was a bit loud!!! Hahahaha
Awww, helping his brother as he looked through his books. I am so happy that my kids love each other and get along most of the time. :D
The drive was a little long from Vegas to our main destination of sight seeing. But the kids had plenty to keep themselves occupied.

Really cool things to see along the way.
Through Boulder city. It was the long way around (we found out later) but we were following our Garmin (gps) and we got to see some really neat things because of it. Plus, we were headed to our destination... excitement was in the air. Click "Older Posts" at the bottom right and you will have to again to see the entire vacation, but trust me, it is worth it!!! Such exciting pictures!!!

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